İş Hukuku Açısından Kurumsal Yönetim Hizmetleri

Aldağ Law&Consultancy provides consultancy services to its client companies that do not have a ‘Human Resources’ unit on Labor Law practices, personnel and personnel affairs, which are obligatory under the Labor Law in order to avoid problems in legal processes. With this consultancy service, it is aimed not only to ensure that personal affairs are in compliance with the law and the law, but also to keep the documents of the clients fully and completely in accordance with the law in legal disputes such as labor lawsuits.

Uninterrupted Communication Policy

Aldağ Law&Consultancy provides services to its clients with an uninterrupted communication policy. With an uninterrupted communication policy; Regardless of the place and time, it is aimed to receive the client’s requests in the most accurate way and to finalize their requests in the shortest time and in a duly manner. During this process, the client is informed at every stage as a requirement of the uninterrupted service policy. Thus, it is aimed that the clients/clients who convey their requests to their lawyers are informed at the very beginning of the process in a healthy and accurate manner and obtain the most transparent information about the process.

  • Müvekkillerin insan kaynakları departmanlarında özlük dosyalarının hukuka uygun olarak tutulması, yönetim kurulu kararlarına ilişkin avukatlık hizmetleri

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